Welcome to Teseris
the largest natural stone processing plant in Spain

Our Product Range

Semi rounded, washed and dry, mechanically produced aggregates to be mixed with resins. (Stone Carpet)

High quality decorative aggregate, specifically selected and processed for decoration and landscaping.

Natural, washed and selected aggregates, ready to be mixed with single layer mortar.

Fine, washed and dry, aggregates ready to be mixed with resins and other technical applications. (Sand pools)

40 years working for you

At Teseris we are committed to you.

Contact us

We are specialists in aggregates for construction and decorative stone.

Latest entries in Our blog

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Always Téseris. Always stone.

Teseris is a family business specialising in the transformation of natural stonework for over 40 years, when our father first began in the trade. Our passion for what we do has seen us become the largest manufacturer in the Iberian peninsula…

Outdoor Stone Carpets Arida

Outdoor Natural Stone Carpets are a reality in many countries for its durability, finish and sustainability, but, what are they really? Serve for any climate? Can I customize the stone carpet design? All these doubts and some more we are going…

Sand Pool, Is it really a luxury?

For some time ago, the natural sand pools come stomping in architecture and landscaping, but what really? Is it possible to have one without ruining yourself? We will try resolve all these questiosn that are roaming your head? At the…

Proyecto acogido a las ayudas de IVACE cofinanciado por la Unión Europea dentro del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2021-2027

Instalación solar fotovoltaica de autoconsumo subvencionada por el Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (Ivace)


TÉSERIS STONE, S.L. ha realizado el proyecto con número de expediente INPYME/2024/974 por el que ha recibido apoyo
económico por valor de 43.555,91 € correspondiente a la convocatoria para el ejercicio 2024 de las ayudas para apoyar las
inversiones productivas realizadas por las PYMES de diversos sectores industriales de la Comunitat Valenciana para el
ejercicio 2024 (INPYME).